Even after 25 years of Economic reforms in India, MSE sector, hero of the emerging India still remains unserved by banking channels. A recent study shows, 75% of their total credit demand is either met through informal sources including high interest charging local money lenders or remains unmet.

Nidhi lakshmi Finance pvt ltd (NLFPL) commenced its operations after getting NBFC licence from RBI in 2017 with a sole focus to serve MSEs, whose credit demand is too small for banks and too large for MFIs. Our team has worked very closely with MSEs and understands their unique product requirements, which is not available in traditional banking. Timely availability of funds will empower enterprises, enrich lives, transform communities, and breed prosperity, resulting in more entrepreneurs, which we are here to serve. Our policy is “लोन ही नहीं, साथ भी देते हैं हम”, meaning our hand is not just for funding you, but to handhold and lift you up higher.

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