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Micro Enterprise Loan:

  1. Working capital loans for existing business: Due to seasonal demands or on receipt of bulk orders, business needs working capital to stock raw materials, inventory. Traditional banking has no such products available, while we provide instant funds so your business can run smoothly without seasonal hiccups.
  2. Business Expansion: If you are looking to increase your product portfolio, we are always there for you. Our team would meet you, understand your business, fund you and also guide you through on effective utilization of funds.
  3. Aspiring entrepreneurs requiring funds to start venture: If you have enough experience and now want to start your own business, we are extremely pleased to fund you. We have many such stories where experienced employees came to us and are now successfully running their ventures after becoming a part of our family.

Schedule of charges

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Commercial vehicle loan:

We provide funds for buying small commercial vehicles which will be used for commercial purposes like goods pick up, for delivering vegetables, Milk etc.  Idea is to fund those who use the vehicle as earning member of their family.

Schedule of charges

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